Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Cash Blog

If you want your blog to make some serious money then you have to look at those that have done just that and imitate what they have done. It’s definitely a system. If you look around you will be able to find some blogs that are similar to yours in regards to their content.When you go to other blogs you like start leaving comments about some things you like.

Now leave a link back to your blog.Whenever you create a post to your blog there are places you can go to get your new information updated with the search engines. You can ping the information by going to www.pingomatic.com and www.pingoat.com .Once you do the search engines will be informed of the fact that you have posted some new material on your blog.

Another way you want to make money with your blog is to advertise you blog with the social networking sites such as stumble upon, twitter, and technorati and face book.You may want to put some ads on your blog such as bidvertise, and google ad sense these will definitely help you begin to make money on your blog.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson -- CEO
VisionStar Enterprises

Monday, February 4, 2008

Blogging for dollars

I just recently looked at a website, www.johnchow.com and you will be amazed at all the different techniques he talks about for monetizing your blog. You can make a lot of money just by implementing some of these techniques.

I will keep you updated in the very near future about some of these ideas.

To Your Great Success

Mel Richardson
VisionStar Enterprises

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Law of Attraction - Documentary


A Social Networking Company, MyGlobalImage, Announces Search For Young People To Interview For Documentary.

Severn, Md, January 5, 2008 -- My GlobalImage Film a division of MGI announces the launch of a nationwide casting call search for individuals wanting to participate in a documentary based on the law of attraction.

The Founder & CEO of MyGlobalImage, Renata Ince has taken it upon herself to raise the awareness of our youth all over the world through one of the five divisions of MyGlobalImage, the film division.

The film division of MGI is MGI films a video production company whose mission is to produce personal development films that target men, women and youth in communities all across the world. The first project is entitled, “Positive Highlights, The Law of Attractions for Teens.” Filming begins April 1, 2008.

This is a documentary based on the principles outlined in the laws of attraction, where a person’s thoughts (conscious and unconscious) emotions, beliefs and actions attract corresponding positive and/or negative experiences, in other words, “ You get what you think about; your thoughts determine your experience.”

My Global Image is looking for young people between the ages of 13 to 29, to interview and cast in upcoming documentary series. Do you consider yourself an advocates of positive change ? Are you considered a role model among your peers or have you taken a leadership role in your community? Are you moving towards excellence? Do others consider you to be an advocate for change? Perhaps you’re a mover and a shaker or even a go getter? Are you driven to achieve academic excellence? Do you consider yourself to be a new entrepreneur?

If so we want to hear from you.

We are seeking young people from diverse backgrounds, race, cultures, values and interests.

In addition to the youth roles we are also seeking a Psychologist and a University Professor to take part in this documentary.

Each person has the opportunity to participate in a worldwide project, including speaking engagements, and a host of other opportunities. If you are interested send us your bio, picture, and resume to:

My Global Image LLC
Po Box 533
Severn, MD. 21144


Also note that 20% of the profits from DVD sales will go to several charitable organizations.

The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2008. www.MyglobalImage.com

Renata Ince Founder CEO

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


how to make money with your blog

Blogging for dollars

welcome to blogging for dollars